
US says 'no way Huawei,' imposes strict restrictions on laptop biz

Huawei'due south PC business concern in the U.S. received another blow this forenoon, with the Trump administration announcing tighter restrictions on the visitor (via CNBC). The new restrictions expand upon the restrictions appear in May, but going back to June 2022. They prevent Huawei from obtaining semiconductors without a special license. Notably, the restrictions prevent Huawei from getting chips that are made past foreign firms that are adult or produced with U.S. software or technology. Reuters initially reported on the restrictions and contributed to CNBC'due south written report.

On Monday, Secretarial assistant of State Mike Pompeo stated that the Commerce Department added 38 Huawei affiliates to the U.S. government's economic blacklists. With those 38 affiliates, the total count is now upwardly to 152 Huawei affiliates on the blacklist.

Pompeo explained that the Trump assistants is adding tighter restrictions to prevent Huawei from working around the U.Due south.'due south limitations, stating that the dominion changes "will prevent Huawei from circumventing U.Southward. constabulary through alternative chip product and provision of off-the-shelf chips." He also added, "Huawei has continuously tried to evade" the restrictions ready by the U.Due south. in May.

The Secretary of Country besides shared the Trump administration's opinion on Huawei as a company, referring to information technology as "an arm of the Chinese Communist Party'due south surveillance. Pompeo stated:

The Trump Administration sees Huawei for what it is – an arm of the Chinese Communist Political party'southward (CCP's) surveillance state – and we take taken activity accordingly … We will not tolerate efforts by the CCP to undermine the privacy of our citizens, our businesses' intellectual property, or the integrity of next-generation networks worldwide.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said that Huawei used "evasive measures" to work around the U.S. government's May restrictions, including using third parties. Ross said to Fox Business that "The new rule makes information technology clear that any employ of American software or American fabrication equipment is banned and requires a license."

Huawei did not provide a comment or response to CNBC. Though not in relation to these specific new restrictions, Huawei has denied that information technology spies on people for China in the past.

In addition to these new restrictions, the Commerce Department will now extend a temporary general license for users of Huawei devices and telecommunication providers. The previous license for these expired on Friday.

The new restrictions are valid immediately and deal a significant blow to any prospect of Huawei selling new PCs, including its popular MateBook X Pro laptop. Because the restrictions don't simply affect sales in the U.S. only bear on utilizing applied science developed by U.Southward. companies, Huawei faces incredible hurdles to industry PCs. Without special licenses, Huawei is unlikely able acquire new technology from Intel, AMD, or any Windows operating arrangement.


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